12 - Step Outreach
12 Step Outreach Is One of the Service Teams of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd
Their Vision: The vision of 12-Step Outreach is to pass on the gift of Centering Prayer and related spiritual practices to improve our conscious contact with a God of our understanding , wherever there is a desire for deeper healing from anyone in 12-Step recovery. Their Mission: We are 12 Step people who practice Centering Prayer as our 11th Step and pass it on to others in 12 Step recovery. Their Purpose: The purpose of 12 Step Outreach is to support one another in the process of spiritual transformation through the practice of Centering Prayer Contact: Please contact the group's facilitator to determine the most up-to date time and location. |
WHEN AND WHERE WE MEET: Saturday 9 am The Inner Room- An 11th Step Prayer Practice for those in 12-Step Programs This group is meeting live and via conference call. CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES 7159 McIntyre Street Fairhope, Al OR VIA CONFERENCE CALL 609.746.1062 PW: 912501# Wait for the operator to tell you to introduce yourself CONTACT: Joe M [email protected] GULF BREEZE (FLORIDA) Wednesday 9-10 am Centering Prayer as 11th Step for those in 12 Step-Program Gulf Breeze United Methodist Church The Parlor Contact: Annie M [email protected] GULF SHORES (ALABAMA) Tuesday 9:30 am (Currently not meeting) 11th Step Centering Prayer Gulf Shores United Methodist Church Building C Room 101 Patti B [email protected] |